15.01.2014 · Fiskivinnu- og samferðslumálaráðið

Continuation of coastal state negotiations on mackerel 15 – 17 January 2014.

The coastal state negotiations on mackerel will continue today 15 January. The negotiations, which take place in London, are set to last until 17 January.
The parties last met in Clonakilty in November 2013, to address issues such as the management measures for 2014 and the sharing arrangement for 2014. In Clonakilty it was agreed to continue negotiations on a bilateral level, in order to recommence negotiations between all the coastal states, at a later time. Thus the parties are now coming together once again, in order to find a joint agreement on the management measures as well as the sharing arrangement for 2014.
Also attending the coastal state negotiations on mackerel, are Greenland and Russia, which have been invited to attend the negotiations as observers.